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Do you like Minecraft? Or want to learn about Minecraft with others?

Welcome to HLCS's after-school Minecraft club website for grades 5-8! Together we learn and explore in the world of Minecraft as a group. We regularly meet in-person after school and continue communicating on the forum pages. 


A Catalyst for Cooperative learning

In our Minecraft after-school program we take on challenging quests, work on group building projects, and engage in some group activity games. This is also a great place to learn and practice digital citizenship and how to live out REAL within an online space. 


This is a shared passion project of mine that I have also been thinking about since I have started teaching. Finally, a plan is set in place to develop this after-school club in our school community! I hope you enjoy our showcase of projects that have been happening. Read on and enjoy!


- Ms. Chu

How can I join?

Your own Minecraft account

Either the Java Edition or Windows 10 edition. You possibly are also able to play using your Minecraft on a video game console.


We will be using the latest patch version.

Parent + classroom teacher permission

Being a part of this club is a lot of fun! You need to be on top of your other responsibilities too!
This your chance to practice a good school and home life balance.

Complete the Play Contract Form

You need to agree to be on top of your regular home and schoolwork expectations. 


Stay REAL online


Share your game name so you can be added to the server.

Student Testimonials


A.M. - Gr. 6

Some people may say video games shouldn’t be played, and especially at school when you should be learning. But even though video games shouldn’t be spent on your whole life, games like Minecraft being played at school or a club can help you. People you may have never talked to at your school can become your best friend when playing in a world with your classmates. 


When in an environment like a realm, you have to listen to the other people. You learn to adapt and express your creativity when surviving in a world. You can’t be mean to others or you won’t survive. This lesson in a game could be used in real life too. If you're mean to others in real life, you won’t be liked or honored. When you problem solve in a realm or have to learn or overcome challenges, you learn to problem solve and cooperatively learn in real life. If there are any downsides or bullying in the realm, kids can learn to deal with it and stand up for themselves without having the social pressure of the real world. This can help with them standing up to real bullies in their future. You learn to get along through challenges and help each other out in need. In realms, you are free. We have learned to coordinate when we will be on, or go on challenges and reach a goal together.

I love playing on the realm because I can keep in touch with my friends and accomplish things in the game. When you play online with others, you can see progress and goals being reached, and personally, I think that reaching goals in a game can give kids the boost they need to reach goals in real life. We could have been mean in the chats, or steal from one another, but as the weeks have gone on, we know as digital citizens we should uphold a standard of kindness and care. We no longer feel uneasy or nervous leaving other people alone. We have come to understand that in a world where there are no laws, you have to learn to be kind. And this is one lesson I hope we have all learned these weeks, and I hope it stays with us for our lives.

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