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Core Competency Connections

Below here are examples of how the Minecraft club can be a way to build your Communication, Thinking and Personal-Social Skills.


  • I can connect and engage with others to share ideas about building ideas and projects. 

  • I can share information about Minecraft clearly to other members I may or may not know

  • I can collaborate and take on roles in a group while playing to accomplish a common goal

  • I can share my game experience with others on the club forum page


Creative Thinking


  • I can develop new ideas that are fun and that I am passionate about

  • I can come up with new ideas that are new to the other club members

  • I can build on others' ideas and add new ideas to create new things and solve problems

  • I can make ideas work using the game items and resources that are in my map area

  • I can come up with a new idea and then make improvements for my Minecraft project over time


Critical Thinking

  • I can show if I like my building project process and final outcome or not

  • I can reflect on how I can redesign or come up with an alternative idea

  • I can consider more than one way to reach my goal and investigation to explore the Minecraft world

  • I can monitor if I am reaching my exploration or building goal and adjust my actions to make sure I achieve what I want

Personal & Social

Positive Personal & Cultural Identity


  • I understand how my values of HLCS's REAL (Respect, Encouragement, Adoration, and Lore) shape my choices at the club meetings

  • I can describe what strengths I contribute to the club community (e.g. idea developer, leader, peacemaker)

  • I can explain why I enjoy doing group activities 


Personal Awareness & Responsibility


  • I can advocate when I need some help in the game from the teacher or other club members

  • I can express joy and accomplishment when I complete a task or goal in Minecraft

  • I can find ways to be patient with accomplishing a task in the game or when I interact with other players

  • I can persevere and keep trying in accomplishing a difficult challenge in Minecraft

  • I can monitor and balance my game time with the rest of my school and home responsibilities


Social Responsibility


  • I can participate and contribute making the Minecraft club a better community

  • I can come up with positive changes and solutions for developing a collaborative club community

  • I can try solving problems in Minecraft myself and know when to ask for help

  • I can problem-solve and come up with a compromise to meet the needs of other players during conflicts

  • I can be inclusive and respectful to all the other club members both at school and online

  • I am kind to others and can play co-operatively, and build relationships with the other club members I choose to play with

  • I can identify when others need help in Minecraft and find ways to provide support to them 

  • I can build and maintain positive relationships with a diverse group of students in my grade and also the other grades 



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