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Program Schedule

The crafting plans

[date] 3:15 PM

In-school Club Meeting 

Meet in the grade 5A room at the PoCo campus! We will discuss expectations, create a club creed for everyone to sign, and discuss project ideas.


The first  15 minutes we will always start with a Group Huddle. During our Group Huddle time we will discuss how things are going for the club such as making suggestions and idea brainstorming. This also an opportunity for gameplay or social problem-solving as a team. 

4:30-8:00 PM

Home Play

Our school server Realm will be open and available for you to come on and play from home.

From June 3-28

Island Survival Living

You have arrived on an island next to some villagers. What are you and your fellow adventurers planning to do? 

When nightfall arrives, the monsters appear. The ocean is vast, there is plenty of trees and fish surrounding the area.


Join us as we build a base together on the island to survive! 


See where the adventure takes us. Do we stay on the island? Or, do we explore and find new land to live on? 

[insert date], Wednesday: 7:00-8:00 PM

Co-op Arcade Play

Do you have a map that you have created or a map you would like to for our club to try as a group? 


Leave your suggestion on the forum board for the club leader to see. 


*Please note, during this time the Realm map will change temporarily during this time period and then back to the original map our group is currently working on*

Minecraft Animation

Online Ambassador

Keep everyone in the Realm feeling welcomed and safe. Earn the opportunity to be the "Operator"  


Idea creation and record-keeping sharing starts here


Be an expert of discovering and navigating the Minecraft Realm


Practice skilled creation and management of Minecraft's natural resources that are crucial to team play

Support & Lead

Use strong Communication and Social Responsibility skills increases your reliability as a recognized leader in our club

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