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  • Writer's pictureMsChu

Completed Quests = Rewards gained!

As your Realm Master, I will be providing quests throughout the club timeline.

What is a quest?

A quest is a set of instructions to be pursued and fulfilled for a particular purpose. Sometimes there will be a story behind the quest or a need recognized for the benefit of the town. Quests will also list what you will receive as a reward.

How do I find or get a quest?

Quests will be posted it up on the community's Message Board or perhaps written in a Quill & book format left for members to find. Members can also request the Realm Master for a quest.

What kinds of rewards are there?

Rewards can range from receiving diamonds, rare items, pets for your home. Rewards will depend on the difficulty of the task. Completing quests can also raise your reputation and recognition of being a contributing and active member of our school club.

See the example of the lighthouse contract quest below:

Here is the Contract information left on the Message Board and also a supply box provided by the Realm Master to support the project completion.

The students then replied with a message indicated the project was completed and were rewarded with 20 diamonds as promised.

Tada! A beautiful lighthouse was completed the next day!

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